Supply Clusters

"Trausteknik assisted us to completely refresh our business's day to day operations. They helped us enter "start-up mode" and approach solutions to our problems in ways we would not have otherwise explored. Great value services and an ongoing partner in our success."

Oliver Lazarevic


Business Problem

After operating for 20 years, and during the height of the Global Financial Crisis, the directors of Supply Clusters recognized that a major change was required. The old model of "pay a membership fee and access our deals" would no longer work.

What was needed was a business that would deliver measurable benefits to its members, and do so in a cost-effective way.

All current pricing contracts were renegotiated with their supplier partners to include the release of customer transactional data (with the customer's permission, of course). This data would be used to drive a bespoke rebate and cashback engine, that would deliver tangible benefits to their members.

The Solution

Trausteknik was engaged to build an entirely new set of business systems from the ground up. This included a switch to Google G Suite.

Next we implemented as their CRM, master data manager, content management system and backend for their Member and Partner Portals.

Postgres was used to supplement the already powerful abilities of the platform to build their datawarehouse and rebate / cashback processing engine. This engine was then directly interfaced into Xero and Google Docs (for creating, and publishing Invoices and Statements).

Technologies Used

  • PHP, Bootstrap and jQuery
  • Postgres
  • Xero
  • Google’s G-Suite

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