Salesforce Jobs - Working at Trausteknik

The Trausteknik team is growing! We are constantly on the hunt for the best talent. Salesforce Jobs with us are very different than you will find with other Salesforce Partners. Our customer engagement style is collaborative and non-adversarial. This carries over to our team culture which encourages fun, learning and hard work in equal parts.

We know that the strongest teams are made up of people from a variety of backgrounds, each with different strengths. If you are interested in a Salesforce Job with us please read the contents of this page carefully and fill out the form on this page with detail about the unique benefits you would bring to our team.

What is it like to work at Trausteknik?

Our team are all encouraged to be themselves and express their ideas as often as possible. We are constantly challenging our own thinking and are looking for new ways to improve our processes in order to benefit our customers.

Our Salesforce Developers have the option to work from any location in Australia. Whilst some come into the office, others prefer to work on projects from home. We won’t force you to work 9am-5pm, but expect you will complete the required hours and meet all customer commitments.

Our Salesforce Developers do a lot of paired coding and peer review. You need to be prepared to talk through your ideas, explain your problem solving approach and write code according to our standards.

Whilst we work hard to deliver great outcomes for our customers we like to socialise and joke amongst the team. It’s common for funny links, gifs or memes to be shared in our team slack channel. We also like to celebrate our wins whenever we can.

We want someone that will contribute something new to our eclectic mix of personalities. Our team consists of everything from circus acrobats to cricket fanatics, gamers and comedy fans. We want to know about the person you are just as much as your professional background.

Most importantly, we are looking for people who are passionate about helping our clients leap ahead of the competition through the use of software solutions that we plan and build for them.

What we are looking for

We have structured the Trausteknik team with a focus on finding people with different professional experiences, diversity and individuality. Every employee brings unique business and technical expertise to the team. This ensures that we are equipped for the challenges of every project.

We won’t ignore you if you don’t have a Salesforce Certification (although this is always nice). We instead prefer that you have a flair for software development, the right soft skills and a real appetite to grow your Salesforce Career with us.

What we don’t want

Our Salesforce Jobs aren’t for everyone. If you can’t function without a highly structured working environment or demand that clients complete detailed business requirements, this probably isn’t the place for you.

We expect you to be a self starter and be able to work independently but you should also be able to ask for help if needed. We don’t want someone who isn’t prepared to share their knowledge for the betterment of the team. The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives!

More specifically...

Marketing Automation SpecialistAustralia / New Zealand (Virtual)View

None of those tickle your fancy?

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The application process and steps from here

We focus all of our energy on delivering great solutions for our customers. As a result we simply do not have the time to reply to every Salesforce Job application. If you don’t hear back from us for a while you can safely assume that we don’t have a requirement for someone with your skillset at this point in time. We keep a record of all of the applications we have received so if the situation changes we will contact you.

If we want to learn more about you we will reach out for a coffee or a hangouts call. Our interview process is relaxed and designed to give you the chance to show us how you will be a great addition to the team.

Oh, and if we do ask you to come for an interview? Don't wear a suit - it's not who we are. Jeans and t-shirt is fine.

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